The Hsu-Kim research group operates and maintains laboratory facilities within the Environmental Health Engineering group in the CEE Department at Duke University. These facilities, located in the Wilkinson Building, include wet and dry laboratories for research on a range of physical, chemical and microbiological processes in water, air and soil domains.
We employ a number of chemical analyses for our research activities and maintain a suite of instrumentation for this purpose. We also operate a trace elemental analysis user facility for Duke researchers and collaborators. This resource facility enables the determination of major and trace elements in a wide variety of matrices (water, soil, biological tissues). Analytical capabilities in our laboratory include:

- Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers (ICP-MS)
- Cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometer
- Mercury combustion gold amalgamation atomic absorption spectrometer
- High performance liquid chromatograph with UV and fluorescence detectors
- Temperature-controlled hot block and microwave system for acid digestions of samples